Are we challenged by suffering? How does the knowledge that in this we are sharing the sufferings of Christ impact our situation?
True witnesses to God bring you closer in your relationship to our Lord. Be aware of testimonies from false witnesses that do the opposite.
Do we place our belief in worldly material things, or do we have faith in our gracious and loving God who provides for us always?
Be the good apple for others and let our love for Christ rub off onto others so they too can experience for themselves Gods love.
Allow yourself to be called by God as a disciple of Christ to journey and take the gospel to the world.
Nothing is impossible to God; let us rejoice in our new-found life and love of Christ, rather than holding onto our old selves.
Read Psalm 133. What does it tell you about the community of believers? Is there any other psalm that relates to it?
Are there any war refugees in your community? What are their needs? Listen to them and give them a hand.
Ready to look inside your current self? Take your time to examine and be ready to put aside and overcome old ways still hiding there
Are there any Christian ministries in difficult areas in your town or city? What would be the best way to help or contribute?
What passions and desires should we overcome? Lets think about it with sincere recognition of our faults and prayers for forgiveness.
Are there any migrant groups or organisations in your neighbourhood or near your church? Get in touch with them, ready to share and learn!
Take a moment to reflect on the things you are consciously or subconsciously condemning yourself for and ask God what he thinks about those things.
Why dont you take some time today to pray for your closest friends and see what God has to say about them?
When was the last time you let someone challenge your beliefs and you truly listened to what they had to say?
Where in your life has God taken something that you considered bad and turned it into something beautiful?
Take a moment to think about the people you are spending the majority of your time with and how this could be influencing your character.
Why not set yourself the challenge of giving someone five extra minutes of your time today to really get to know them better?
Join a group which has a spread of people with diverse backgrounds, views, faith and cultures who are tackling a common need or problem in the community.
Find a local project which involves restoration and rebuilding of the environment, or care of something old like furniture, a house or a vehicle, and commit to giving some of your time.
Find where you can help with those who have mobility constraints and need a hand up, whatever that might mean for them.
Research your family tree and celebrate the richness contained in it.
Identify situations which need new paths to be opened in what appear, on the face of it, to be dead ends. Think about how you can help to bring these about.
Look up current Amnesty International reports and add some names and situations to your prayer list.
Revelation 17 represents Rome (called Babylon) as a prostitute drunk with the blood of Gods people. Was Paul mistaken in Romans 13 or would he have agreed?
Who are your heroes among social and political reformers, and what do you admire about them?
Note that it is only after many safeguarding scandals that church leaders are urged to report every allegation to independent bodies and the police.
Consider supporting one of the organisations dedicated to exposing violations of human rights or helping those who have suffered from them.
I was in prison and you visited me (Matthew 25:36). There are many kinds of prison poverty, addiction, chronic illness. Do you visit Christ there?
Find out about the story of your own local church. Who was it built for, and by whom?